Abby, Saint of Trade [GURPS IN NOMINE]

Abby (GURPS) – Google Docs

Abby (Saint of Trade)

250 pt


ST: 10 (0)

DX: 13 (30)

IQ: 14 (45)

HT: 11 (0*)


*+1 for Saint (Recorporalized)


Advantages: Appearance: Attractive/1 (5), Charisma/2 (10), Combat Reflexes (15), Language Talent/2 (4), Saint (Recorporalized) (130)

Disadvantages: Duty (Marc) (12-) (-10), Secret (Saint) (Possible Death) (-30)


Quirks: Prefers to write letters whenever possible; Reads to relax; Likes to argue; quiet but determined feminist; Quirk-level curiosity (-5)


Skills: Acting (M/A) 16- (6), Boxing (P/A) 12- (1), Climbing (P/A) 12- (1), Diplomacy (M/H) 13- (2), Guns/TL7 (pistol) (P/E) 17- (4**), Hidden Lore (The War) (M/H) 14- (4),  History (M/H) 14- (4), Languages [English 17- (0***), French 15- (1***), Spanish 15- (1***)], Law (M/H) 12- (1), Literature (M/H) 13- (2), Lucid Dreaming (IQ/H) 14- (0), Merchant (M/A) 13- (1), Philosophy (M/H) 12- (1), Politics (M/A) 14- (2), Savoir-Faire (M/E) 14- (1), Stealth (P/A) 14- (4), Writing (P/A) 15- (4)


Songs: Celestial Attraction (M/VH) 10- (8****), Celestial Charm (M/VH) (10-) (8****)


**Includes +2 for IQ

***Includes +2 for Language Talent

****-5 for Corporeal plane; +1 for Power Investiture


Abby has been serving Marc for a very long time; so have her descendants (except for the ones who instead served David).  In life, the customs and practices of the time required that she act as an indirect agent of influence, but in the modern era it is remarkably easier for Abby to do the job herself. She has no objection to working behind the scenes, but a couple of centuries has not jaded her of the pleasure of doing things herself.


Marc uses Abby as a permanent low-level troubleshooter, typically in political or social arenas.  And once or twice, ‘troubleshooter’ is meant literally.  Abby is not precisely an assassin: she’s merely an excellent shot who can move reasonably silently, and who can appear perfectly harmless right up to the moment where she shoots you in the back of the head. But it almost never comes to that; the only times that Abby ever kills anyone is when she can verify that the target was Hellsworn, Undead, or a Sorcerer.  And when Abby does do so, she can do it without causing Disturbance; which is a major reason why Marc sometimes uses her for that kind of work.


But mostly Abby is there to unscramble small problems before they get to be big ones.  Ironically, she hasn’t been in her home country for at least forty years; Abby’s remit these days is Central America; she typically poses as a minor official on temporary assignment to wherever the problem is.  Once she straightens it out — and makes sure that Hell isn’t involved — she’s off to the next one.  Abby’s primary objective is to be liked, but not very memorable, and she generally manages to pull it off.


Personally, Abby is intelligent, interesting, and implacable.  She also comes across as being utterly fearless; she is brave, but Abby’s attitude is more of a side-effect of being essentially back from the dead than anything else. One thing is definitely for certain; never ask her for your opinion if you don’t actually want to know it.  Because Abby will tell you, and keep reminding your of her opinion whenever the subject comes up again. For the rest of your life, probably.


The material presented here is my original creation, intended for use with the In Nomine and GURPS systems from Steve Jackson Games. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Steve Jackson Games.
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