Wonder Woman II: Wonder Woman vs. the Commies?

Could be, could be: “…The Wrap has said in an unsourced report that Wonder Woman 2 will take place during the 1980s and feature Diana of Themyscira going head-to-head with agents of the Soviet Union.” Fine by me.  I was going to go see the sequel anyway*: I won’t object to a gritty spy-vs-spy drama in which a lot of Commies suddenly and terminally discover the practical problems with espousing dialectal materialism in a world that has, you know, visible gods and stuff.  I won’t object at all. I’ll even buy extra popcorn.

…Man, now I want a Wonder Woman / Black Widow crossover movie.  Yes, yes, I know: it was called Captain America: The Winter Soldier. But I want this specific one, too.

Moe Lane

*And they should absolutely have Patty Jenkins direct it again, and I don’t care if her agent is making the more-money sign. Patty Jenkins directed a superhero movie that’s bringing in MCU-levels of cash. You don’t get that kind of result for pennies on the dollar, or even quarters.

One thought on “Wonder Woman II: Wonder Woman vs. the Commies?”

  1. “gritty spy-vs-spy drama in which a lot of Commies suddenly and terminally discover the practical problems with espousing dialectal materialism in a world that has, you know, visible gods and stuff”

    OK, I’d pay to see that.

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