Tremors SyFy project gets a director.

Vincenzo Natali, who I’ve never heard of despite the fact that he did Hannibal — but not the movie Hannibal; the TV Hannibal that I literally just stopped whining about. Also, there’s this: “In the Tremors follow-up, written by Andrew Miller, the killer Graboid worms that nearly destroyed Perfection, NV, 25 years ago are back, and the town’s only hope for survival is Valentine McKee (Bacon), who beat them once. But to do it again he’ll have to overcome age, alcohol and a delusional hero complex.”  I’m going to stop you right here: can we have this tragic and dramatic backstory up on the screen for about, oh, say ten minutes or so?  Because this should be a show about giant man-eating worms. Eyes on the prize, Mr. Natali. Eyes on the prize.