Quote of the Day, Better Living Through Chemistry edition.

If you’re like me, you’ll need to click this link to understand why the exchange turns out to be pretty danged funny.

Bob: “So, does anyone see any problems with this picture?”
Me: “YES!  There’s a four f[*]cking liter bottle of picric acid!”

But clicking that link will be very profitable for you!  You will learn something about chemistry.  Including why it was perfectly grammatical and correct to insert the word ‘f[*]cking’ into that sentence.  Indeed, said sentence could have used another one, between ‘picric’ and ‘acid.’ Short version: avoid poking around in collegiate chemistry labs. You’ll only see things that will highly upset you.

Adventure Seed: Calling in the Other Cleaners.

Calling in the Other Cleaners – Google Docs

Calling in the Other Cleaners


Blame this.


Who does the cleaning up after a major necromantic event is one of those things that nobody ever really thinks about before they join one or another of the groups in the Great Game. The assumption always seems to be that somebody must be responsible for it, so clearly somebody already is. And never mind the piddling little details, like methodologies, safety protocols, staffing, overtime rates, time cards, scheduling, HR, annual certifications; who joins the Illuminati to do all of that?

Continue reading Adventure Seed: Calling in the Other Cleaners.

It was apparently National Poetry Day in England… today? Yesterday?

The time zone thing makes this awkward. Anyway, sure, why not?  I wrote this years and years and years ago.  My old SCA Barony in the East Kingdom is Carillion, and we did bells.  So, hey, bell motif.

Here We Go, Boys – Google Docs

Continue reading It was apparently National Poetry Day in England… today? Yesterday?

Tweet of the Day, How Did This Dog Make This Print? edition.

My wife has been speculating on it for the last few minutes. It’s an interesting question. The prints are in an unusual position, you see.

There’s a Jane Austen MMO (@naominovik, call your agent)…

…and Ever, Jane looks like it does what Austen readers want it to:

Continue reading There’s a Jane Austen MMO (@naominovik, call your agent)…

Hugh Hefner has died.

Hugh Hefner had an… impact on American society; and any observations that I might or might not have on his personal happiness and life choices would be neither solicited nor welcomed by his surviving family and loved ones. So I will simply note that Playboy* had a reputation among professional science fiction writers for paying top rates, and on time. For a magazine, that’s not simply laudable; it’s blessed near unique. Continue reading Hugh Hefner has died.