5 thoughts on “‘It’s A Small World After All.’”

  1. I’ve got this little hypothesis ..
    You can tell the ADD and/or ADHD adults by how they react to this ride.
    If they hate it, they’re .. well, for lack of a better word, normal.
    If they don’t hate it .. and especially if they secretly really enjoy it .. they’re ADD/ADHD.
    Doesn’t work as well as a diagnostic tool on kids, unless you get ’em on it early enough in the day the sugar high hasn’t kicked in and/or worn off ..
    So far, in my (too small a pool to qualify for a valid survey) my results are 100% on fleek .. the known ADD/ADHD sufferers like the ride .. the ones who hate it are the “normals” .. and the ones who secretly enjoy it often exhibit enough ADD/ADHD symptoms that I can do a pop diagnosis .. even if they refuse to see a head-shrinker.
    (I’m in the secretly-enjoy camp .. and make up 75% of my data from that category)

  2. You know, if everything that moves is actually a fully sentient robot, that is forced to go through the same actions day after day after day…

  3. Hello, irony.
    My fiancee’s mom was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer six months ago, went back into the hospital a week ago no longer able to form words, and passed away early Halloween morning.
    This was her favorite Disney ride.

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