Bleg on game footage capturing tech/software.

I want to do a couple of YouTube videos showing how to get various items, maybe a walk through or two.   I’m playing Secret World Legends, obviously; and I have a computer that can handle Discord, high-quality graphics, yadda yadda.  What software should I be grabbing in order to capture in-game video and audio footage?  Or should I be trying to figure out how to record it using Discord?

One thought on “Bleg on game footage capturing tech/software.”

  1. Huh. Most of my Twitch streams aren’t showing their streaming info today for some reason. That being said, they mostly use Xsplit and OBS. Most of the cursing I hear on stream comes from Wirecast and Xsplit, so try OBS, I guess. Or you could ask Cecil @ GoodBadFlicks on Youtube. He does a good deal of game videos as well as his movie stuff.

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