Sirens [The Day After Ragnarok]

Sirens [Ragnarok] – Google Docs


(Pseudobranchus axanthus contranaturam)

[The Day After Ragnarok]


The southern dwarf siren was a small (4 to 10 inches) aquatic salamander that lacked back legs, and lived in the swamps of Florida.  However, since the Serpentfall evolution for the species has gone into overdrive. Each year’s new clutch of dwarf sirens eggs doubled in size; currently, newly-mature sirens range from three to six feet in length, although that’s mostly tail.  

Their arms have also lengthened, with claws transforming into what increasingly appear to be true hands; the latest generation of sirens have also taken on a more humanoid appearance, at least from the ‘waist’ up.  Starting in 1947, sirens are amphibious, although they still lay eggs. Sirens are omnivores, but prefer fish and larger insects (which now grow very large, in what used to be Florida).


Explorers and other madmen in the Drowned Coast report that sirens are not automatically hostile to humans, but they are territorial (this absolutely includes their spawning grounds).  They also report that sirens have been seen with improvised wooden and metal scrap weapons — and possibly more disturbingly, garments and containers made out of woven reeds.  Sirens also are reportedly starting to group together in tribes, but not families.


There has not yet been any reports of sirens speaking, let alone singing. They seem to currently communicate amongst themselves with a set of increasingly complicated hand gestures. One thing that they have definitely copied from humans is the use of standard yellow stop signs around their territories in order to warn off intruders. Prudent explorers heed that warning.


Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d4, Vigor d10

Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d6, Guts d6, Notice d6, Stealth d10, Swimming d10, Throwing d8

Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7

Special Abilities: Aquatic; Hardy