Incredibles 2 tomorrow.

My wife and I are going to go see it, now that it’s been reasonably established that Incredibles 2 Does Not Suck. In fact, I need to go consult her on times. It’s entirely possible that there may be difficulty getting tickets if we don’t order ahead of time.

Seriously, this movie is going gangbusters. If you want to see it on terms favorable to you, either go plan a little or wait a few weeks.  Or maybe a month.

2 thoughts on “Incredibles 2 tomorrow.”

  1. I’ll watch pretty much anything Brad Bird is involved with. Tomorrowland was more than okay.
    Animation is where he excels.

  2. “If you want to see it on terms favorable to you, either go plan a little or wait a few weeks.”

    I managed to buy tickets online for an 11AM Saturday showing…at about 10AM. Sure, the theater was already 80% full but I got a decent seat.

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