Looks like MCU’s Phase Four is on track.

Word’s going down that a Marvel Phase 4 flick’s going to start filming in the UK next year.  If I had to guess, from the three possibilities mentioned (Doctor Strange 2, Black Widow, or The Eternals*), I’d say that it’s going to be the Doctor Strange sequel… what’s that?  There was That Thing That Happened?


Oh, you sweet, sweet summer child.  That Thing That Happened was most likely calculated over the course of a marathon planning session at the end of the script-writing process.  They undoubtedly called in the Mouse’s best combat accountants to do the calculations, because when you have that kind of access to arcane resources, you use them.  That Thing That Happened was meant as a message.  A message that said, We understand the traditions of the comic book genre.  We will respect them.  Please rest assured that we will make everything come out the way that you want it to by the closing credits.  Come on, trust us — no, really: trust us.  Have we screwed up, yet?  To quote the man: are you not entertained?

So, you know, time, tides, and shooting schedules wait for no man.

Moe Lane

*The Eternals is, yes, based on the same Jack Kirby series of the same name.  The MCU’s been moving pretty much in a Kirby-friendly direction over the last few years, huh?  NTTAWWT.  For reals.