Frozen Dreams Update, 1/22/2019.

Not going to bother with the word count, because at this point the wordcount is extraneous. I was able to take various suggestions and come up with a reason for the chapter, and it’s coming along now. Once it’s blocked out, then the rest is going to be trivial. …ish.


I was expecting something more impressive.

I shouldn’t have been; Tricksey and Slye had debriefed me earlier. They had only ever seen the front door, the hallway, and Cackle/Wolfie’s bedroom/bathroom, but they were pretty unimpressed by it all. As Slye put it: “It looked like it should have smelled of old man, but it didn’t because magic.” But that was the living area. The rest of the mini-mansion should have been more ostentatiously tacky.