BEHOLD! Frozen II, the first movie in the Disney Cinematic Universe (DCU).

I dunno if I’m the person to call it that, but I’m staking out my claim.

More seriously: Frozen II looks pretty good. I’m all about superpowers and sword fighting and people fighting oceans. And if they did do Disney Avengers, like Honest Trailers I’d be all about that. The idea of a Disney Cinematic Universe appeals.

Moe Lane

PS: Mulan, Elsa, Rapunzel, Moana, Merida, and Cuzco as the token dude in the DCU. Cuzco would have to recover his shapeshifting abilities, of course; also, Rapunzel would need to get her hair back. Easy-peasy.

8 thoughts on “BEHOLD! Frozen II, the first movie in the Disney Cinematic Universe (DCU).”

  1. I’m going to have to disagree here. You see, technically the first movie in the Disney Cinematic Universe is ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’. That is, after all, the first movie to bring many of the many characters together all on-screen at the same time!

    (even if not exactly in a traditional sense…)

  2. I am crippled in my appreciation of this no-doubt brilliant epic, because my brain insists on seeing Elsa as a disneyed Hillary Clinton. No thank you.

    (Also: walking on water? Really?)

  3. She built a giant castle out of ice. Why can’t she just build a huge ice ship? If she’s having trouble with her waterbending, she could go see Ang and Katara. They could give her some pointers.

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