Hi, let me fill you with anguish (Book of the Week, only it can never be).

There is a book called “The Stone Table.” It was written by a fellow called Francis Spufford. It is, as far as I can tell, spot-on in its emulation of the tone of the Chronicles of Narnia.

AND THERE IS NO WAY FOR ME TO GET A COPY. Only 75 exist (privately bound, I wager, and absolutely not offered for commercial sale). I don’t even know who to suck up to. This is torture.

One thought on “Hi, let me fill you with anguish (Book of the Week, only it can never be).”

  1. If you’re lucky this guy will be able to tweet the whole thing. Is it piracy if the guy’s not selling it? (of course it is, darn moral compass…..)

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