3 thoughts on “The “Seductively Presented But It’s From EA, Dammit” Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order trailer.”

  1. I don’t have the same visceral hatred for EA, so I’d play Matt Damon Jedi Adventure if the price was right.

  2. Respawn’s the developer. EA may catch flack, but Respawn’s got a good rep. They’re the team behind the popular Titanfall games, and the surprise hit Apex Legends that just recently came out.

    So color me optimistic about this.

    1. I saw wallrunning!
      Seriously, Respawn is the perfect developer for this.
      If you want reassurance, find a copy of Titanfall 2 and play it.
      I’m not kidding when I say it is easily one of the best games of the current console generation.
      Besides, a space opera featuring larger-than-life characters, kewl powers, and great storytelling with actual emotion invoked without bathos, is the same target audience.
      Add in the gonzo movement system, the snappy gunplay, and some of the best level design I’ve ever seen…
      And oh yeah, mechs.
      Play it.
      It will more than live up to the expectations you’ve gotten from my gushing praise.

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