Tweet of the Day, IANAL, But Damned If I Can’t See The Man’s Point edition.

Via @kennethhite, I’m not even mad. This is so cynical it comes out the other end and enters an odd state of innocence, and we’re all unwillingly nodding along. Because the man’s sort of right, hey?

Well, no. Not really. Still, I guess that there’s a time that you just roll the dice and hope for a crit.

7 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, IANAL, But Damned If I Can’t See The Man’s Point edition.”

      1. Chutzpah is an important and oft overlooked skill in the legal toolbox, eh?
        The alderman is, in any case, going to be ‘retired’ .. so yeah, rolling the dice to try to retire to a nice south side suburb instead of a greybar hotel .. makes sense.

  1. Just because sending previous Aldermen to jail has not eliminated corruption does not mean that it has done nothing to curb corruption.

  2. The judge should reply that the jailings will continue until corruption improves.

  3. *sigh* Oh well, guess we have to go back to the Wheel.

    Not really, but when did it become ok for everyone to act like they live in Batman’s Gotham City?

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