The House, Part 21/x.

There is a saying among occultists: as above, so below.  I respect the saying, if not those who said it, for I have always looked for the patterns that must exist under the surface of random, mundane life.  Now that I found myself pulled into whatever vortex was embedded here in the house, I could start to see the hints of an underlying, colossal order that always seemed to elude me before.  I dared not look too close, for I instinctively knew that my brain would splatter inside my skull if I was not infinitely careful. But even a wavy reflection of the awful truths out there promised great revelations.

As above, so below.  My dreams grew heavy with symbolism and a certain hunger for knowledge; and that hunger began to direct my waking moments.  I knew from the start that this was something that had been imposed upon me, for I was never a man to wonder too closely about the lives of his fellows; but just as my night-jaws chewed on cord after cord, my waking hours were spent seeking out my neighbors, and teasing out details about them and their lives.  Something inside of me was looking for something, and while it seemed to know what it needed it could not quite grasp what it was looking for.

Fortunately, I had a brain and will, and soon I worked out for both of us what we needed.  The children. We needed to make use of the children.