06/22/2020 Report, FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter.

Infrastructure today: first off, I did the edits for another story for the sampler. I’m going to try to do the last two tomorrow, then I can figure out what structural edits to make, then I guess I put the whole thing into one collection and go from there. I’d like to check this one off of the list.

The other major thing was a layout/brainstorming gig for the RPG worldbook. I sat down with my wife – she is also a gamer; yes, it is quite unfair how lucky I am – and we just tossed out all the stuff I’d need to put in the book, considering the page count. Right now I’m contemplating about 48 pages, which is not enough for a standalone game. Then again, it’s not supposed to be a standalone: you’ll be playing this sucker with another GUMSHOE ruleset. A full standalone game… will probably be another Kickstarter, in 2021, because I don’t have the budget for that kind of staff. But for right now we’re just going to get this version out the door.

That’s mostly it. Oh, and my usual exhortation to get all your friends to buy the book, of course. And to have them leave reviews afterward.