The “I want to hear the story about how the production defecated the bed” ROGUE trailer.

I mean, ROGUE was probably always gonna be stupid.

Via Coming Soon.

It’s just that it’s a lot more amusingly stupid now that they’ve replaced the bad alien CGI that they had clearly originally planned with the bad lion CGI. I mean. Jeez. Lions? Lions are not stupid. Lionesses in particular are not stupid. They understand that the big sticks that the hairless monkeys carry make this big boom and then suddenly there’s one less lioness in the pride. There are much safer things to eat than man-meat.

I do want to figure out why they abandoned the alien angle – note that I’m assuming that it was originally SF-flavored, but I’m not wrong here, right? It just seems so obvious – for this one. Is there another ‘mercenary versus aliens’ movie in production? Did they have to switch FX studios, and the new ones wanted to do lions? Was there a lawsuit? Inquiring minds want to know.