08/09/2020 Snippet, Verdict of History.


“Well, I’m not going to let you go, sorry.” Firebrand sat down, and poured himself some tea. “I’m not going to let you live, either. Oh, pardon me: would you like a cup?”

“Ha. Real funny, asshole,” Razor-Claw said. He then blinked as a cup daintily levitated into the air and moved over to his lips. He was clearly thirsty; after a second, the bandit king gingerly sipped from the cup. His eyebrows rose as the cup proved to, indeed, have nothing but tea in it. And as soon as it was empty, the cup flew away to be refilled.

Razor-Claw drained four cups before he said, “Screw this tea crap, gimme a beer.”

Firebrand laughed with genuine humor. “That’s the spirit. And it’s Commanding Warmage Asshole, thanks. I beat you, so I get the title.”

Razor-Claw shrugged as much as the chains would let him. “You’re the guy with the beer, Commanding Warmage Asshole. If that’s what it takes…”