09/17/2020 Snippet, DUTIES Revision

15900/32000, and I may need to revise when this is going to be ready. Although it’s not that bad. For that matter, things are already starting to calm down on the home education front. The kids seem to be getting used to the schedule, huzzah.

We must keep on carrying on, then. Word-count waits for no man.

If I was being all Sam Spade or something I’d tell you that Jack’s behavior bugged me enough to keep looking into things, but it didn’t. Working on the Site, you get a little tolerant at how people get through the day. So I went back to work, finishing up prepping all those damned Grabbers. Good thing, too; one of them wasn’t all the way dead after all.

Ever see a little Grabber? Nah, you Agents probably haven’t ever seen any Grabbers. Think of a snake as long and thick as your arm, with one end full of teeth? That’s a baby Grabber. The grownup ones get a lot — a lot — bigger, thanks to the nuke testing. Kind of ironic, seeing as how we get rid of ‘em, right?

There’s a bunch of real roughnecks out in Arizona we use to keep the Grabbers under control; and they do good work, don’t get me wrong. But maybe one out of every fifty Grabbers they send in are gonna need one last smash in the head before they’re safe for the Queue, and this one half woke-up when I prodded it with my bat. Which is why I was prodding it with the bat, and not my hand.