My guest post at!

I was asked, very graciously, to post about my new book FROZEN DREAMS (and other stuff) at I just as graciously accepted. Here it is: and check out the site generally, too. I miss old-school longform blogging, I really do*.

Moe Lane

*I justify my not writing any of it anymore by the fact that, hey, I’m writing novels, right? There’s just so many hours in the day. Yeah! That’s the ticket.

One thought on “My guest post at!”

  1. The Before Times are over, Mr. Lane. Let the past be, as they say, prologue.
    Oh, and nothing’s really *preventing* you from doing long-form blogging *here* .. doing a deep dive into, say, an obscure science fiction series and commenting on how the world-build was done, what other opportunities would have been opened with a different world-build .. Piper’s “Space Viking” universe, forex …
    What you can’t do .. what none of us can do .. is return to the Before Time.
    Because, in this universe, time is like a Vespa .. it don’t got a reverse gear.

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