So. Advertising.

Got some good advice along these lines from my webdude Neil about how I should be looking for places like mine to do my advertising…

…and going from there. I also saw some good advice about how I should be asking my readers and whatnot: where do you go, when it’s not here? So, I’m asking: got any suggestions of streamers or creators who might be interested in doing advertising for my stuff? I budget for complimentary review copies, at the very least.

8 thoughts on “So. Advertising.”

  1. I often hang out on messageboards devoted to fiction and message board games ( and Trying to flog your books directly might be looked at a bit askance there, but you push a bunch of your stuff for free anyway. Reposting some of your older freely available things in the “user fiction” areas, with a short description of who/what you are and a link to where people could get more would be entirely appropriate… though I’ll admit that the political bias you find there may not be entirely to your preference.

  2. If you’re willing to do that sort of thing, you might also look at . It’s a user fiction site, but without so much of the message board side of things. You’re a bit further along in the “becoming a successful writer” process than they seem to target as their sweet spot, and I’m not sure that the format is really worth it for you, but I think it’s at least worth taking a look at.

  3. I occasionally also wander through OSR blogs. I don’t know anything like enough about the inner workings of that scene to know how you’d get any real penetration there, and/or who might both be willing to review current books and have a decent reach, but I’m quite certain that a number of them would find your adventure seeds pretty shiny.

  4. Ace of Spades Book Thread.
    You can also look at an assist from Glenn Reynolds at InstaPundit, his book in the mail blurb, or even via Sarah Hoyt’s indie book pushes there and her sites.
    Good luck!

  5. Do you *want* a Communist governmental/media figure to denounce you as a “domestic terrorist for exercising your 1st Amendment rights?

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