Tweet of the Day, Well, When You Put It THAT Way… edition.

I’m getting my second shot in a couple of days even without participating in the Greater Hershey Stupidity Tax*, but what the hell. I don’t particularly need the million bucks anyway.

Moe Lane

*One of the most entertaining things about writing things set in Greater Hershey is that their leadership sees no reason to be inaccurate in their nomenclature.

2 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Well, When You Put It THAT Way… edition.”

  1. This …. this stings in so many ways…
    No further comments because the Before Time shock collar is already humming hungrily.

    1. Interesting that{[BzZt]}…..

      But don’t you think {[bZzT]}….

      Wow that thing *is* effective.

      I’ll just say keeping peace with my mother is a stronger motivation than selling my principles to the State of Ohio.

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