I feel Jimmy has a firm grasp of the essentials.

“Lieutenant?” Carlotta called, consciously keeping herself from whispering. At his look, she said, “There is something about this scene that does not feel right. What is it?”

Witherby looked inclined at first to make a bit of gallows-humor, but restrained himself and instead gave the scene a proper look. His brow furrowed, then relaxed. “It’s the gates, Your Grace. They’ve been blown outward, not inward. And none of the bodies are facing towards the mine.”

“So, an escape then?”

“Perhaps, Your Grace. But an escape from what?”

“Who cares?” The two turned to look at Jimmy. He didn’t seem particularly panicked, but Carlotta could see the new tenseness in his frame. “Whatever it is, it killed everybody. There’s nobody here to save. So, begging both your pardons, but we should just bloody well leave, before we get noticed.”