Movie of the Week: SPIDER-MAN 2.

I had forgotten how good this flick was. I did remember that Sam Raimi shot a lot of SPIDER-MAN 2 like he does his horror films, but not how much glee he took in having a real SFX budget for once. And Doc Ock’s movement still stands out as how to make multiple limbs believable. I’m kinda pumped now to see what Raimi does with the second Dr. Strange movie.

Apropos of which… please put Ash in there, somewhere. I mean, who’s gonna stop them?

One thought on “Movie of the Week: SPIDER-MAN 2.”

  1. Wait, what? Sam Raimi is directing Dr. Strange 2? How did I miss/forget that? That could be great! (I just wish he’d finish his version of the Shadow. None of us are getting any younger.)

    Yeah, put me down for an appearance by Ash. Please.

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