The ‘It’s for the best, really’ FESTIVAL OF THE LIVING DEAD trailer.

I have no idea whether FESTIVAL OF THE LIVING DEAD is actually a good (for a given value of ‘good’) movie. I do feel that, if you are attending a festival commemorating the outbreak of an in-universe zombie attack, you probably should take the time to familiarize yourself with the best methods for fighting zombies, take basic precautions against zombie infection, and – this is important – immediately take seriously any and all reports of zombie sightings. You’d think the insurance companies at least would insist on that.

Tweet of the Day, My Nose Is Metaphorically Bleeding From This CIVIL WAR Map edition.

Somebody reviewing CIVIL WAR offered the opinion that the more you know about American politics, the harder it’s going to be to get past that and get to the meat of the flick, which isn’t really about the actual civil war. I get that! I really do. I was an English major in college. I understand the concepts of metaphors and symbolism.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, My Nose Is Metaphorically Bleeding From This CIVIL WAR Map edition.

The Very Seinfeld UNFROSTED trailer.

As somebody has undoubtedly pointed out already, UNFROSTED – a highly inaccurate account of the creation of the Pop-Tart – sounds exactly like the kind of movie that Jerry Seinfeld’s character Jerry Seinfeld would have gotten involved in on the TV show SEINFELD. You keep expecting to hear the scene change music. If Newman isn’t this show at some point I’m going to be really, really disappointed.

I dunno if it’s gonna suck or not. At least it’s different, right? …Or at least it’s the humor of my twenties. That’s not nothing.

Tweet of the Day, I Was Already Going To Go See GODZILLA X KONG: THE NEW EMPIRE… edition.

…you don’t have to sell it to me.

The question is, do I see GODZILLA X KONG: THE NEW EMPIRE tomorrow, or Sunday?

The ‘INSANELY RACIST’ GOOD TIMES animated reboot.

This GOOD TIMES animated reboot trailer is so incredibly racist, I refuse to put it on my nice, clean website*. It is so incredibly racist, it would make a white supremacist blink and ask, Can you really put that on television these days? It is so incredibly racist, I would not be surprised that this was Norman Lear’s announcing to the world that he had secretly been a Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan all his life; and only revealing it now because he’s dead, and thus beyond the realm of human scorn and disapproval. Every human being involved with this production now defaults to Horrible Mode, and should be ashamed of themselves. Or possibly just make plans to retire to a monastery/nunnery, where they may contemplate their sins.

The animation is also shit, but you knew that going in.

Moe Lane

*h ttps:// If you absolutely must see it.