Needing to choose one of two indy Cthulhu films.

So, I have a Lovecraftian quandary.

There’s a little extra cash available right now – enough to pick up a movie. So I went looking for that Tori Spelling Cthulhu that I’ve been thinking of picking up… and found this: The Call of Cthulhu: The Celebrated Story by H.P. Lovecraft

It’s a tough call. I do actually like stupid, which is a draw for the former; but the latter has better reviews, even though it’s apparently a silent film. Does anyone who has seen either or both have an opinion?
Continue reading Needing to choose one of two indy Cthulhu films.

The funny part is, it probably is just a job.

Anything* can get to be that way, after a while.

Via TrogloPundit.

Moe Lane

*I was going to link something along the lines of “Except for blowing stuff up for government safety agencies,” which I understand is a job that is made of awesome; only I got distracted by this.

Sparkler Bomb Blows Up Dryer
If you think sparklers cannot be dangerous watch this video clip. They tape a bunch of sparklers together and use them to blow up an old dryer.

From ‘Body Ritual among the Nacirema.’

What charming customs these people have.

In addition to the private mouth-rite, the people seek out a holy-mouth-man once or twice a year. These practitioners have an impressive set of paraphernalia, consisting of a variety of augers, awls, probes, and prods. The use of these objects in the exorcism of the evils of the mouth involves almost unbelievable ritual torture of the client. The holy-mouth-man opens the client’s mouth and, using the above mentioned tools, enlarges any holes which decay may have created in the teeth. Magical materials are put into these holes. If there are no naturally occurring holes in the teeth, large sections of one or more teeth are gouged out so that the supernatural substance can be applied. In the client’s view, the purpose of these ministrations is to arrest decay and to draw friends. The extremely sacred and traditional character of the rite is evident in the fact that the natives return to the holy-mouth-men year after year, despite the fact that their teeth continue to decay.

It is to be hoped that, when a thorough study of the Nacirema is made, there will be careful inquiry into the personality structure of these people. One has but to watch the gleam in the eye of a holy-mouth-man, as he jabs an awl into an exposed nerve, to suspect that a certain amount of sadism is involved. If this can be established, a very interesting pattern emerges, for most of the population shows definite masochistic tendencies. It was to these that Professor Linton referred in discussing a distinctive part of the daily body ritual which is performed only by men. This part of the rite includes scraping and lacerating the surface of the face with a sharp instrument. Special women’s rites are performed only four times during each lunar month, but what they lack in frequency is made up in barbarity. As part of this ceremony, women bake their heads in small ovens for about an hour. The theoretically interesting point is that what seems to be a preponderantly masochistic people have developed sadistic specialists.

Thank goodness we all live somewhere more civilized than… there.

Background here, via here.

New ‘GI JOE’ footage.

Courtesy of Aaron Williams.

And to answer his question… the reason why they bothered getting the licenses to this series and not E-Swat is because the director’s favorite GI JOE action figures as a child were clearly Baroness, Storm Shadow, and Snake Eyes.  That’s why they’re recognizable in the movie, even when nobody else is.

Was that snide?  That may have been snide.