Group Seed: NATO SUBRON 23 “Abyssal”.

Blame this.

NATO SUBRON 23 “Abyssal” – Google Docs


NATO SUBRON 23 “Abyssal”


The records are there, if you know just where to look in the right Department of Defense archives.  They’re neither outrageously classified nor creatively misfiled, but they are quite sparse, and somewhat technicla.  SUBRON Abyssal started out as an American program, but later took on ‘official’ status as a NATO operation, with Israeli assets added in the 1960s.  The squadron today consists of the following submarines:


  • HMS Affray (UK)
  • INS Dakar (Israeli)
  • Minerve (France)
  • USS Scorpion
  • USS Thresher

Continue reading Group Seed: NATO SUBRON 23 “Abyssal”.

The SJ Games ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Kickstarter.

Very clever, the way that they set the Conspiracy Theory Kickstarter up:

Early-bird supporters can get either five, three, or one buck off, depending on how quickly they hit that support button.  Not that it would have mattered, in my case; I was determined to not back this puppy until at least the Dungeon Fantasy stuff was in the mail.  …It went into the mail today, according to the message that I’ve just gotten.  And the Munchkin Shakespeare stuff has shown up, just in time for me to give it as a present; so, well played, Steve Jackson Games.  Well played.

Reminder: WashingCon this weekend.

I’m going to be largely incommunicado Saturday and Sunday, and Friday I’m going to be busy throwing together the stuff for the two WashingCon games that I said that I’d run.  …Which I’m starting to wish I hadn’t volunteered for, or at least picked different game systems.  I could run In Nomine or GURPS in my sleep, after all.

Oh, well, at least I had the mother-wit to not go for overly convoluted. I have character sheets, I have dice, I have GM screens to hide behind, and I have the best advice possible for this kind of situation: “When in doubt, improvise.” After all, the goal here is not to break to my will a bunch of people I’ve never met before and probably won’t again. My job is to get a collaborative story going that people enjoy and that clocks in at just under four hours. I suppose that it’s good that it feels challenging; goodness knows I need more real-life stuff in my, erm, life.


Creature Seed: Murder Cheese.

Murder Cheese – Google Docs

Murder Cheese


You can eat it.  But you should not eat it, because if you ever see any, it was probably sent by an enemy that is trying to kill you.  Consuming any of the stuff will merely make the actual assassination itself a bit of a formality.

Continue reading Creature Seed: Murder Cheese.

I’m of several minds regarding the SJ Games Conspiracy Theory Kickstarter.

Continue reading I’m of several minds regarding the SJ Games Conspiracy Theory Kickstarter.

Western Union (WU) [16/26] [GURPS 4E]

The things I think of while waiting for the cashier.

Western Union (WU) – Google Docs

Western Union (WU) [16/26]


This mystical organization flourished in the expansionist phase of the First American Republic. Dominating as it did several primitive electromagnetic forms of communication, Western Union (WU) was a power on the North American continent, acting as a shadow government in many locations. Even in places where WU did not rule it still had great influence; it was rich, it was powerful, and it literally had an ear and mouth in every conversation in the First Republic.

Continue reading Western Union (WU) [16/26] [GURPS 4E]

Tweet of the Day, This Is What A Ninth-Level Rogue Looks Like edition.

Wasn’t quite high-level enough to get away cleanly, but that’s a 9th level Rogue with the Thief archetype and expertise in Acrobatics, Stealth, and thieves’ tools. Unfortunately, she was definitely (at best) Neutral Evil, which is a turn-off for me, at least. I mean, sheesh, she should have just gone to jail; clearly the woman is capable of breaking out of there, too.

Silk-Haunted Paterson [The Day After Ragnarok]

Silk-Haunted Paterson – Google Docs

Silk-Haunted Paterson

[The Day After Ragnarok]


City: Paterson, NJ

Population: 6,000

Controls: Paterson itself, on a good day

Government: Squatters

Problem: Monsters

Heroic Opportunity: Trade Goods

City Aspect: Mercantile

Note: the Serpent Taint level of Paterson itself is 3, but the area around it is ST 4.

Continue reading Silk-Haunted Paterson [The Day After Ragnarok]

Cyborg (Quantum 7).

Cyborg (Quantum 7) – Google Docs

Cyborg (Quantum 7)


This Quantum 7 world is about two steps up from being a hell world; its history has gotten steadily more and more dreary and dark since the 1600s. It’s polluted, dirty, not particularly safe — and uniquely valuable to both Centrum and Infinity, because its inhabitants seem almost addicted to trying out new prosthetic, biotechnical, and general medical procedures and devices.  The timeline also strictly off-limits to both groups, because the inhabitants also routinely test out all of these things on unwilling test subjects.  Cyborg’s techniques even makes Centrans squeamish, and they don’t squeam easily.


How well this ban works is a matter of some debate. Certainly every new innovative medical technique that comes out of the Infinite Worlds is eventually linked with Cyborgian vivisectionists — at least, according to conspiracy theorists. And there certainly are crosstime organizations out there that are less squeamish than even Centrum.

Continue reading Cyborg (Quantum 7).