A PSA: if you burn a flag on Veterans Day, you’re an… anus.

Yes, I understand that flag burning has been ruled as being protected speech under the First Amendment. I understand that better men and women than you fought and died for your right to defecate on their memory by burning a symbol of this country. I even understand that people like you get a weird kind of sexual gratification out of seeing decent people being upset at your burning of the flag.

You’re still an anus. Continue reading A PSA: if you burn a flag on Veterans Day, you’re an… anus.

QotD, Extra Points For ‘Drunken Stupor’ Edition.

Via Lowering the Bar, via Instapundit, this is all that you need, really:

8.    [Defendant] was highly intoxicated on this date and time, and decided in his drunken stupor that it would be a good idea to shoot bottle rockets out of his anus on the [Alpha Tau Omega fraternity] deck, located on the back of the ATO house.

Variants of a certain phrase from the paragraph above appears multiple times in the legal document – indeed, it appears to have been, ahem, crammed into every place that it could conceivably fit.  Can you guess which phrase it was?

Moe Lane