So. About that 2008 church burning in Wasilla, Eric Holder…

Not to pile on Eric Holder or anything, but on December 12, 2008 somebody tried to murder several women and children at Sarah Palin’s old church in Wasilla, Alaska.  The assailants did this by pouring accelerants on the doors and then setting the place on fire; and you would think that a Justice Department which was about to be headed up by the first African-American Attorney General would take a dim view of somebody trying to burn down a church with people inside of it, just to score some political points. However, there has been absolutely no resolution of this.  The Justice Department seems to be remarkably indifferent to what happened, back then.


Was the West, Texas fertilizer explosion… arson? Domestic terrorism? Don’t know the right term, sorry.

Via Rare comes a report that police have arrested one of the first responders to last month’s fertilizer plant explosion in West, Texas.

More details here, but I want to offer a serious caution: there is even less information than usual right now about the arrest, whether it is justified, or even whether it’s germane to the original explosion.  What we know is that a guy was arrested, and that the charge is “possession of a destructive device” (reportedly a pipe bomb).  Obviously, IF this story checks out then it changes pretty much everything that we knew about the incident… and, bluntly: a bunch of people who wanted to use this to score partisan points are going to have to apologize to both the State of Texas and Governor Rick Perry.  Personally.  I note this not to be a jerk, but… actually, no, I note this pretty much just to be a jerk. Continue reading Was the West, Texas fertilizer explosion… arson? Domestic terrorism? Don’t know the right term, sorry.

#rsrh Tattooed vegan arrested for… guess.

Yup. Arson. Supposedly he calls himself “Lone Wolf” and is responsible for burning down a sheepskin factory, a leather factory, and a restaurant that sells foie gras*. A real eco-guerrilla, by all accounts.

So meet Lone Wolf:



Moe Lane

PS: Actually, I think that it’s great that they’re starting to self-identify themselves in public like this, for the benefit of normal people.

*Which is admittedly kind of a not-nice food – force-feeding, and all that – but, shoot, it’s just ducks and geese.

It has now been *ten* months since the Wasilla Church Burning.

I posted on this three months ago – and in those three months: if there has been anything done by the current government in investigating this hate crime that would merit an update, I haven’t found it.  Somebody attempted to murder several women and children via arson, and it’s becoming depressingly clear that that person (or persons) has gotten away with it clean.

This offends me.  It should offend you.  If it doesn’t, I don’t really care what your excuse is.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.