Happy McFlyday Eve!

Tomorrow, of course, is the anniversary of the first deliberate, controlled time travel event involving a human specimen. And he even made it back! …Eventually.

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Hey, you want a moment of mixed screaming fear / BLINDING, ALL-CONSUMING RAGE?

Here you go: ‘Back to the Future reboot.’ Which is apparently NOT HAPPENING; it was a joke done by this webcomic.  I mention this because I just spent five minutes frantically checking the Internet making sure that this movie would not happen, because I couldn’t figure out why they hadn’t tried this [expletive deleted] already.  It turns out it’s because Bob Gale (co-writer, co-producer) and Robert Zemeckis (co-writer, director) literally said “Over our dead bodies:”

Back in June [2015], the Oscar-winning director told the UK Telegraph that in regards to rebooting the Back To The Future trilogy onscreen, “That can’t happen until both Bob (Gale) and I are dead. And then I’m sure they’ll do it, unless there’s a way our estates can stop it.”

Continue reading Hey, you want a moment of mixed screaming fear / BLINDING, ALL-CONSUMING RAGE?

The ‘Back to the Future’ Honest Trailer.

Via Allahpundit, who doesn’t give quite enough appreciation to the sequels; but he’s correct that pretty much everybody loves the first movie. …What’s that? OK, except for that guy over there. That’s fine. Not everybody has to like the same things. You know what we call people who do think that everybody has to like the same things? That’s right: we call them COMMIES.

Movie of the Week: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.

I watched Scott Pilgrim vs. the World when it came out on DVD, and… it was good.  I understand why it got better reviews than box office, though: it was not your standard romantic comedy.  And… hold on, Spoilers after the fold… Continue reading Movie of the Week: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.