The remarkably brutal “Beauty and the Beast” Honest Trailer.

And not just the obvious stuff, either.  There’s some implications about being a sentient piece of housewares that you will not consider until after you see this trailer, and you may not be all that happy about having those implications brought to your attention.  Kids’ movies can go to weird places.


The Final ‘Beauty and the Beast’ trailer.

They might just pull this one off.

If so, go them. I’ll feel a lot better about the live-action Mulan WHICH THEY HAD BETTER NOT SCREW UP. In particular, this scene must be perfect. I have used this scene for decades as an illustration on how you use your Intelligence stat in a game: Continue reading The Final ‘Beauty and the Beast’ trailer.

Was this live-action Beauty and the Beast movie as bizarre as it looks?

Because it looks pretty freaking bizarre. And not just because it’s French, although that’s not hurting the surrealism level any.  I’m getting a definite ‘French Revolution’ vibe off of this one, which is something that I normally do not associate with Beauty and the Beast.

And no, this is not the Disney flick. This apparently came out a couple of years ago. And the fact that I’ve never heard of it probably is significant.