Tweet of the Day, But Don’t You Dare Call Bernie Sanders A Commie! edition.

The guy who found this doesn’t think that Bernie Sanders is a Communist, for what it’s worth. He’s just properly appalled that Bernie Sanders supporters feel the need to appropriate Soviet-era propaganda. Which is… reasonable, da?

The website that it came from looks legit, so I’m gonna go with ‘amazingly tone deaf.’ Remember: there are people who actually miss the Soviet Union. And I don’t mean the folks who used to be KGB agents or Party bigwigs, either.

Reminder: it is not established that 2016 will be like 2012, 2008, 2004, or any other year.

This is supposedly Bernie Sanders’ problem, in a nutshell:

The problem for Sanders is a demographic one. In the South, where a number of states hold primaries in February and the first half of March, Clinton still has a lock on nonwhite Democrats.


On March 1, primary voters in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia — all states where Clinton is expected to come out ahead — will go to the polls. Voters in Colorado, Massachusetts, Minnesota and Sanders’ home state of Vermont will as well, and though Sanders has a chance of winning any of those states, their delegate counts pale in comparison to those in a larger state like Texas.

Continue reading Reminder: it is not established that 2016 will be like 2012, 2008, 2004, or any other year.

CBS Buries the Lede in shock New Hampshire poll showing Bernie Sanders at 52%.

I’m trying not to weigh in too heavily on the polls this early out, but this is ridiculous. Not to mention, a provocation. And, for some odd reason, not easy to embed.


Continue reading CBS Buries the Lede in shock New Hampshire poll showing Bernie Sanders at 52%.

Bernie Sanders campaign rendered impotent by #blacklivesmatter fanatics.

See if you can spot the mistake in this tactical response by the Bernie Sanders campaign in dealing with race-baiting professional activists who, to use Hot Air’s phrase, are “successfully performing like a small pack of wolves who have found the weak bison in the herd.” Bernie Sanders was speaking in Seattle, or at least trying to, when this happened:

“We’re shutting this event down — now,” said an activist who suddenly leapt on stage. She approached the microphone where Sanders had just begun speaking, thanking attendees for welcoming him to “one of most progressive cities in the United States of America.” An event organizer attempted to stop the activist, and a heated exchange ensued as the crowd booed.

Eventually, activist Marissa Johnson was allowed to speak.

Continue reading Bernie Sanders campaign rendered impotent by #blacklivesmatter fanatics.

I dunno, folks. What *do* you call a socialist who ISN’T an internationalist?

I mean, this is a fascinating moment:

Ezra Klein

You said being a democratic socialist means a more international view. I think if you take global poverty that seriously, it leads you to conclusions that in the US are considered out of political bounds. Things like sharply raising the level of immigration we permit, even up to a level of open borders. About sharply increasing …

Bernie Sanders

Open borders? No, that’s a Koch brothers proposal.

Ezra Klein


Bernie Sanders

Of course. That’s a right-wing proposal, which says essentially there is no United States. …

Continue reading I dunno, folks. What *do* you call a socialist who ISN’T an internationalist?

AFL-CIO base futilely calls for Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton.

Well, that was the problem, wasn’t it? “There was never any question that the powerful American Federation of Teachers — a union representing 1.6 million educators across the country — would endorse Hillary Clinton for president. But on Saturday, when the AFT became the first international labor union to make an endorsement in the contest by announcing its support of Clinton, it drew sharp criticism from teachers as well as other labor leaders, who questioned the timing amid Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ surge in popularity.”  Let me explain: when I first read that story, I shrugged and just went past those first two paragraphs. Of course the AFT is supporting Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders: Clinton has one of her followers – Randi Weingarten – running it, and Ms. Weingarten is utterly loyal to the Clinton machine. That’s almost certainly why she’s running the AFT, in fact: Clinton has a vested interest in putting her creatures in positions of purported authority.  This is, as the man says, how the Democratic Establishment do.

However, there is a certain percentage of rank-and-file hard labor supporters* who still cling to the charmingly retro position that picking a candidate to endorse should be a more collective decision. And the hard labor folks are getting rather agitated about the way that the AFT didn’t show solidarity with the rest of the AFL-CIO by endorsing early. You see, ostensibly the decision to endorse Hillary Cli… ah, ‘to endorse a Presidential candidate’… was supposed to be made in two weeks at AFL-CIO headquarters; presumably the labor movement would then speak as one voice, and all that. Now they have a potential division in the ranks. Continue reading AFL-CIO base futilely calls for Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton.

Tweet of The Day, Did @DavidAxelrod Rip Me Off? edition.

How do you KNOW that David Axelrod didn’t rip me off?



Me, two weeks ago. Continue reading Tweet of The Day, Did @DavidAxelrod Rip Me Off? edition.

Bernie Sanders pulls in 10K for his “I’m not Hillary Clinton!” rally.

As you may have guessed, I am not overly concerned about the fact that Sen. Bernie Sanders (Socialist, VT) got ten thousand people in Madison, Wisconsin this evening: “Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders drew 10,000 supporters, the largest crowd of his campaign thus far, according to reports.” …they got nowhere else to go, after all. Now, if I was on Hillary Clinton’s staff, I would be concerned. Perhaps even overly.  Definitely overly. Because that particular Democratic crowd is being fueled by a blend of several different things, none of which Hillary Clinton can provide. She may end up spending a good deal more money than she expected to crush this upstart of hers.

Continue reading Bernie Sanders pulls in 10K for his “I’m not Hillary Clinton!” rally.

Really, Bernie Sanders is the Howard Dean of this cycle.

Which is not a compliment, of course: but Ben Domenech puts his finger on Sanders’ appeal.

Sanders can’t actually win because the Clinton machine would nuke him from orbit if he got to close, which they can do because he’s an old white socialist – but there’s no question he’s closer to today’s Democratic base voters on questions of ideology than Hillary Clinton. For Democrats who see Hillary the way some Republicans saw Romney or Dole – support borne out of grudging resignation that this is the best of a series of bad options, that it’s their turn, that you’re ready for it – the frustration is still palpable. Just as Republicans in 2012 were desperate for someone to jump in and present a challenge, so Democrats are today.

Continue reading Really, Bernie Sanders is the Howard Dean of this cycle.

Um, Bernie Sanders is from VERMONT, Slate.

That’s where the hippies who like guns live.  Which means that, sure, Sen. Bernie Sanders voted for legislation that protects gun manufacturers against the kind of lawfare that hardcore antigun fanatics dream of, furtively and with the shades drawn.  And, apparently, the aforementioned fanatics are infuriated about this.

Heh. If antigun progressives keep going nuts on this topic, either Sanders will have to tell them to self-pleasure themselves, or else he’ll fold like a cheap suit.  Either way sounds like fun to watch! – Personally, I vote for Bernie Sanders giving the antigun types the metaphorical finger. Better for the country if he does, honestly: the current codependent relationship between the Democratic party and its progressive base is kind of unhealthy. Continue reading Um, Bernie Sanders is from VERMONT, Slate.