So, Big Hero 6 is coming to Disney XD.

I tentatively have hope for this Disney series.  Big Hero 6 was an excellent cyber-prep flick and I’m a sucker for Better Super-Heroing Through Applied Chemistry.  A television series might serve to get my kids more enthusiastic about science and technology and so forth — OK, OK, I want to watch it on my own.  Sue me. Continue reading So, Big Hero 6 is coming to Disney XD.

‘Drawing Honey Lemon From Big Hero 6 Disney.’

I found this surprisingly engrossing:

Possibly because Honey Lemon was possibly my favorite super-heroine in Big Hero 6 (which you really must see, at your first opportunity).  No spoilers, but I liked the idea behind her particular abilities. As to the drawing itself… alas, it’s too far beyond my own skill level to properly assess.  Looks like her, to be sure.

Saw Big Hero 6!

Basically, my reaction to the movie is very akin to Shaenon’s (we think Garrity) will-be-famous-someday-if-I-have-anything-to-say-about-it observation:

“Kung-Fu Hustle,” like “Sin City,” is one of those movies that made me wonder why other movies are always forcing me to look at boring things, when they could be showing me machine-gun-toting hooker armies or middle-aged landladies using the Lion’s Roar Attack against the World’s Greatest Killer.

In this case, the cyber-prep* streets of San Fransokyo. Visually gorgeous and well done.  I liked it. I even shed a tear or two at one point.  And the intro short movie was similarly cute.

Moe Lane

*Term cheerfully stolen from Steve Jackson Games.