#Blacklivesmatter protesters now just running through libraries and shoving people.

Hey, remember those student protesters/agitators/screamers? No, not really? After last weekend, you kind of decided to stay focused on more important things? Yeah, well, protesters hate hearing that, so I guess they figured that it was time to up their game! Or… something.

Protesters at Dartmouth University disrupted students studying in the library, reportedly directing profanity towards white students and physically pushing others.

[snip of examples of said profanity*]

In addition, the Review reports that some of protesters became physically violent: “Men and women alike were pushed and shoved by the group. ‘If we can’t have it, shut it down!’ they cried.

Continue reading #Blacklivesmatter protesters now just running through libraries and shoving people.

Actually, it’s ‘All lives matter’ that resonates.

Tortured metaphor watch:

Imagine for a moment that you broke your left wrist. In excruciating pain, you rush to the emergency room for treatment only to run into a doctor who insists on examining not just your mangled left wrist, but your uninjured right wrist, rib cage, femur, fibula, sacrum, humerus, phalanges, the whole bag of bones that is you. You say, “Doc, it’s just my left wrist that hurts.” And she says, “Hey, all bones matter.”

If you understand why that remark would be factual, yet also, fatuous, silly, patronizing and off point, then you should understand why “All lives matter” is the same.

Continue reading Actually, it’s ‘All lives matter’ that resonates.