Update on the Bold Marauder Patreon pledge drive.

Spent a good part of today writing stuff for it. In a couple of different ways.  But I can’t show it if there aren’t new pledges.  Horrible of me to wave around something tasty without serving up, but that’s why they call it advertising.

Here’s what we’ve got so far: naturally, I’ll be making full chapters when we have some.

Chapter 1, Part 1
Chapter 1, Part 2
Chapter 1, Part 3

Patreon microfiction: ‘Bug Wars.’

Let us all be honest with each other folks: in the world of “Bug Wars,” we’re all watching the show and never missing an episode. We might as well, because the show’s going on anyway. Besides, serves the little buggers right for being the next sentient species on Earth — although they’ll end up being soul-swapped with the Great Race anyway, so maybe we’re not getting the short end of the stick after all.

Patreon! Come on, I wanna write more Bold Marauder serial pulp.