Cedra Crenshaw back on ballot!

Cedra, as you will recall, is a conservative Republican running for the Illinois state Senate who had been thrown off the ballot for being a black conservative Republican a ballot technicality.  That has been… resolved, and not in the Democrats’ favor:

State Sen. A.J. Wilhelmi has a fight on his hands, and his Democratic bosses have only made it worse.

Party leaders brought out the big guns to try to blow Republican challenger Cedra Crenshaw off the November ballot for the 43rd District seat. But a Will County judge ruled Wednesday that Crenshaw’s ballot petitions are valid, rejecting the argument contrived by the Democrats who wanted Wilhelmi to coast to victory unopposed.

Continue reading Cedra Crenshaw back on ballot!

Speaking Truth to Power: Cedra Crenshaw vs. the Illinois Combine.

Quick background: Cedra Crenshaw (website here) is a conservative Tea Party activist – and, not incidentally, one that NAACP President Ben Jealous would happily call a ‘race traitor,’ if it weren’t for the minor fact that not even the media would ignore that kind of hypocrisy – who is trying to stay on the ballot for Illinois state senator. Emphasis on ‘trying:’ she’s fighting having her candidacy tossed for reasons that Eric Holder would be firing up a civil-rights investigation… if it weren’t for that fact that Holder undoubtedly considers her a race traitor, too.

Hey. It’s not my fault that the Democratic party refuses to do anything about its racist elements. Besides give them powers of trust and authority, that is.

Moving along, the Tea Parties aren’t precisely willing to accept the Democratic Party’s race-based shenanigans, and they’re more than happy to speak truth to power, afflict the comfortable, and engage in all those other behaviors that have been sanctified by a half-century of Lefty usage:

Continue reading Speaking Truth to Power: Cedra Crenshaw vs. the Illinois Combine.