#rsrh Tell truthful? Watching Jezebel.com betray feminism like this?

It’s kind of hot:

Ciara Matthews, Walker’s communications director, is under fire for being both pro-life and a former Hooters restaurant waitress. “Profitting (sic) from selling a plasticized form of unnatural sexiness designed to arouse men while simultaneously believing that women should be forced to face the ‘consequences’ of actually giving into to their sexual desires is a pretty backward way of thinking,” the Jezebel’s Erin Gloria Ryan suggested, while apparently trying to embarrass Matthews by posting a “hilarious” photo of her wearing a Hooters uniform. (Curiously, Ryan also said that Matthews’ “shouldn’t be faulted” for working at Hooters.)

“What is the connection between my being pro-life and working at Hooters?” Matthews countered in an interview with The Capital Times, an outlet that self-describes as a “progressive voice” in Wisconsin. “Is there a hypocritical angle here that I’m not aware of? Is Hooters performing abortions?”

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