Democratic AG Chris Koster stabs Barack Obama in the back over coal.


Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster says he will join more than a dozen other states in suing the Environmental Protection Agency to block rules meant to rein in climate change-causing carbon emissions.

Sure, they get around to mentioning Koster’s Democratic status in paragraph 2 – for people following at home – but there was a passage later that really made me grin: “The Democratic attorney general from another state where coal plays a big role, Kentucky, is also part of the legal efforts aimed at the EPA rule.” That would be Jack Conway, who is absolutely desperate to not have his name associated on the national level with fighting the EPA.  After all: national Democrats hate coal now. They’re not going to be happy with a governor of any state that doesn’t toe that particular line. Continue reading Democratic AG Chris Koster stabs Barack Obama in the back over coal.

The Alison Grimes campaign may now start imploding.

How much money did the Democrats spend on this one, again? – Because I bet that, say, Bruce Braley wouldn’t have minded getting some of that.  Or Mary Burke.  Or Greg Orman, later this month:

U.S. Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes is lying about her support for the state’s coal industry according to Kentucky Democrats, including members of her campaign team, who were captured on a hidden camera video.

The video, produced by conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe, shows five employees of the Grimes campaign and local Democratic Party affiliates speculating that the Democratic challenger to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) is only professing her support for the industry out of political expediency.

Oopsie.  I am amazed that there are people still in this business who will step on their own candidate’s message like these people did: Continue reading The Alison Grimes campaign may now start imploding.

Apostate Louisiana singled out for EPA’s punishment.

The last sentence in the excerpt from this article (‘Despite low coal use, La. must reduce CO2 by 40%’) is inaccurate.

When the Obama administration announced its new plan to cut carbon dioxide from power plants to combat climate change, Louisiana found itself on the hook for a 40 percent reduction over the next 15 years or so — one of the bigger decreases demanded in the state-by-state goals.

The size of the proposed cut surprised many because Louisiana doesn’t rely heavily on coal, which generates more carbon dioxide than most other fuels.

Neither state regulators nor the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency can provide a clear reason for why Louisiana’s reduction is so large.

It is more accurate to say that neither wants to provide said clear reason.  But we’re all adults here, right?  Louisiana got hit by this because of three things. Continue reading Apostate Louisiana singled out for EPA’s punishment.

The UMWA discovers that supporting Democrats got them two things.

Jack, and… well, this is a family website.

Some labor unions, groups generally considered loyally Democratic, rebelled on Monday after the EPA released its new regulations, which studies have suggested will carry hefty economic costs.

United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) president Cecil Roberts blasted the proposal, saying it would leave tens of thousands of the union’s members unemployed.

“The proposed rule … will lead to long-term and irreversible job losses for thousands of coal miners, electrical workers, utility workers, boilermakers, railroad workers and others without achieving any significant reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions,” Roberts said in a statement.

According to a UMWA analysis, Roberts said, the rule will cause 75,000 job losses in the coal sector by 2020, rising to 152,000 by 2035.

Continue reading The UMWA discovers that supporting Democrats got them two things.

#rsrh QotD, “Run AWAY! Run AWAY!” edition.

Hot Air’s Jazz Shaw, at the end of a cynically amused post watching – and mocking – the administration’s futile attempts to convince the bitter clingers in flyover country that the Democrats don’t hate coal:

It looks like [Pennsylvania Democrat Rep.] Mark Critz (who replaced Jack Murtha) won’t even be attending the Democratic convention. This is known in some circles as “distancing yourself from the President.” In other circles it’s known as abandoning a sinking ship with the rats.

Continue reading #rsrh QotD, “Run AWAY! Run AWAY!” edition.

Electoral implications of the Obama Administration’s War on Coal.

Will this be the 2012 election map?

If the Obama administration keeps up their War on Coal (literally: they consider coal more dangerous than terrorism), quite possibly.  And it may be at least partially because of coal. Continue reading Electoral implications of the Obama Administration’s War on Coal.

Time for the *important* Byrd succession question.

Now that it’s been determined by the Secretary of State for WV that there will be no special election for Byrd’s now-vacant seat…

OK, let me just note something here. The seat was held by a Democrat; the Governor is a Democrat; the state government is more or less dominated by Democrats.  The people of West Virginia seem more or less happy about this state of affairs, and state law really does suggest that there is an issue with the fact that the filing period for 2010 has already passed.  Governor Manchin isn’t putting himself in the seat, and he’s probably not going to pull a Blagojevich and try to sell it to the highest Democratic bidder.  There’s not much for us to work with with regard to pushing for a 2010 special election, sorry. Continue reading Time for the *important* Byrd succession question.

Democrats declare war on West Virginia. Again.

Well, it’s not like the state voted for the current President anyway. Hell, the often-strained history between West Virginians and national Democrats stretches back to 1863. Still, this is a little… petty… of the Democratic party, isn’t it?

A Pittsburgh-based coal company, CONSOL Energy, will lay off nearly 500 of its West Virginia workers next year and its CEO blames environmentalists dead-set against mountaintop mining who have waged “nuisance” lawsuits for the job loss.

But CONSOL Energy’s political problems are not unique to the mining industry, which has suffered under the Obama Administration. The Environmental Protection Agency is already holding 79 surface mining permits in West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee. The EPA says these permits could violate the Clean Water Act and warrant “enhanced” review. And, agency went even further in October, announcing plans to revoke a permit for the Spruce No. 1 Mine in West Virginia.

Via Dana Loesch (via Instapundit) which also has video of the President casually talking about strangling future coal power generation: I’d also like to note that this should come as no surprise to anybodyYou Were Warned.   Repeatedly I Told You So.  Finally,  I’m sure that local Democrats Congressmen Alan Mollohan* and Nick Rahall**, Senator Jay Rockefeller, and Senator Robert Byrd’s staff are all quiveringly eager to explain to their constituents why their own political party is using the federal government to promote a Crusade against the state of West Virginia.

Or perhaps they’re just quivering.

Moe Lane

*Challenger: State Senator Clark Barnes.
**Challenger: Lee Bias.

Crossposted to RedState.

Democrats in Congress: Carbon neutrality for you; not for us.

While it’s really, really easy to laugh at the fact that the environmentalists’ march on the Capitol Power Plant is being hampered by a heavy snowstorm – to blatantly steal from one of my cobloggers, I’ve just come in from shoveling eight inches of global warming off of my front walkway – it’s…

Hold on. I’m actually still laughing.

OK. Continue reading Democrats in Congress: Carbon neutrality for you; not for us.