Hey, it’s Wednesday, so it’s time for a #commoncore red haze across my vision!

So the school was forced to send this monstrosity home today:

Let me be clear: I’m not against my son learning algebra in the fourth grade. I, in fact, walked him through how to solve the problem for x and y. But they’re not teaching him algebra.  Also note that I don’t blame the teachers.  The teachers hate this sh*t, too.

Jeb Bush and CPAC: how he answered some questions…

…and how you should ask them.

I suspect that these answers (via the Daily Signal) by Jeb Bush on immigration and Common Core questions will not much move the needle, one way or the other.

Jeb Bush is clearly a capable public speaker… but. He has some unpopular opinions on the subject, and that is the meat of it. Whether that hurts Jeb Bush in the primary any more than it has already is going to be the big question. Continue reading Jeb Bush and CPAC: how he answered some questions…

Common Core: a PRAGMATIC observation for politicians.

The more astute ones will only need this to get my point…


…but let’s walk it through anyway. Continue reading Common Core: a PRAGMATIC observation for politicians.