…and I should be at CPAC after all.

The bruise on the ankle by now is spectacular:



Anyway, the bruise is spectacular, but the swelling isn’t too bad and I can actually walk on it. Carefully. Still, once I’m ensconced at Blogger’s Row that’s going to be more or less it. The Row, or an interview room. Maybe the bar.

Moe Lane

Oh, it’s going to be a *cranky* morning…

…probably mostly because last-minute stuff means that I’m missing the first day of CPAC.  Still, there should still be plenty of raw material for interviews and videos and whatnot available for the rest of the conference.  I’m always happy to talk to a candidate and/or legislator: whether they’re happy to talk to me… nah, I’m a creampuff when it comes to interview questions.  Or at least not too much in love with the sound of my own voice.

CPAC 2010: Rep Rob Bishop (R, UT-01).

This CPAC interview with Rep. Rob Bishop (R, UT-01) seemed relevant, given the post that I did earlier on the White House gutting 23K space-reliant jobs in a politically-unreliable Democrat’s Congressional District:

Rep. Bishop is active in space issues, and in fact went into greater detail recently about why said gutting is ill-advised. The op-ed is well worth reading, if probably not making an argument that’s unfamiliar to my likely readers…

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

CPAC 2010: Three minutes with T-Paw.

Governor Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota was swinging through Bloggers’ Row there, so of course we had to chat. Nice guy; very centered.

I was trying to think of some way of saying that I’m sorry that my little bit of extra monopolization of the Governor’s time was an inconvenience to a couple of staffers (I know some of those people, after all) without saying I’m sorry for the monopolization itself (because I’m, well, not); but then I realized that all I had to do was just write that out. As a writing strategy, it seems… remarkably straightforward. I should try it more often.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

A quick CPAC sitdown with Michael Williams.

He’s running for the Senate seat that Senator Hutchinson is going to vacate (assuming that she ever does), and I was able to touch base with him in between his speaking appearances at CPAC. Michael’s site is here: for those of you unaware of the odd nature of Texan nomenclature, a “Texas Railroad Commissioner” doesn’t actually have oversight over railroads. The position instead involves oversight over oil and other types of energy production, which is why it’s one of the most powerful elected positions in the state.

Crossposted to RedState.

I didn’t meet Glenn Reynolds at CPAC… #rsrh

because he wasn’t there.

But I did meet or see LadyImpactOhio, @fpete13527, All American Blogger, Stacey and Smitty of The Other McCain, Melissa Clouthier, No Runny Eggs, @cprater, Baldilocks, Nice Deb, Little Miss Attila, Athens Runaway, Cynthia Yockey, Clyde Middleton of PatriotRoom,Tom White of Virginia Right!, Andrew Ian Dodge, and yes, I know that I am forgetting at least three people, which is why business cards are so bloody useful.   And I apologize in advance for anybody that I left out; it was a busy three days for me, which is just me making excuses for the lapse.  Now somebody’s not going to see his or her name, and I’ll feel bad about it.

Oh, and Jimmie Bise!  See what I mean?  The poor guy doesn’t give me his card, because of course I’d remember him, and I nearly forget because my memory’s all spotty right now.

Oh, and Tommy Christopher from the Other Side.

And, of course, the RedState krew.

Moe Lane

PS: I met Matt of Right Ohio in 2007, but Ohio’s going to erupt this election season, so check his site out.

PPS: And, yes, of course Ed MorrisseySheesh, Moe…

PPPS: D’OH! The folks at Smart Girl Politics, too.  Especially Tabitha Hale.

PPPPS: DaTechguy and Anita Moncrief.

PPPPPS: And it’s a good thing that Fausta and GayPatriot aren’t the vengeful types.