Snow Day!

Otherwise known as, Nothing Got Done Day! I mean, I got a nap in, and made sure my kids were caught up on stuff. I also did a Patreon creators-themed Zoom call that was very interesting, although I think I did something funky to my Discord in the meantime*. So not a completely useless day, but not a productive one, either.

Well, I can do some stuff tonight, hopefully. [EDIT: Or I can spend the evening straightening out homework in the face of the kids having tomorrow off, too. Yay.]

Moe Lane

*Actually, I did not. Something funky was done to an existing Discord account that had my phone number; said account has been discontinued, making it impossible to use for verification, and the Internet is full of aggravated threads effectively going No, you’re never going to get this fixed, so you might as well get a new phone number or use your spouse’s because Discord doesn’t give a [expletive deleted].

Shackled [Celestial] [In Nomine]

Shackled (Celestial Discord, -3/level)

The Shackled Celestial Discord penalizes celestials (penalty equal to the level of the Discord) for all mundane activities that do not credibly serve their Superior’s Word.  This does include Outcasts or Renegades.  Shackled does not affect dissonance per se, but the celestial will be very uncomfortable in situations that would normally be Word-dissonant: add -1 to the skill penalty.

Continue reading Shackled [Celestial] [In Nomine]

Nacreous (Celestial, 3/level) [In Nomine]

Nacreous (Celestial) – Google Docs

Nacreous (Celestial, 3/level)


Demons with Nacreous must be careful about how often they use their resonance on the same target.  Every resonance roll after the first one, on the same person, is at a penalty equal to (Discord level); Djinn instead take a penalty on removing their attunement equal to (Discord level). Lilim do not get the penalty for assessing Needs, but if they try to harvest multiple Geas at once, the second and higher Geas will be subject to the penalty. This penalty persists for (Discord level) days: this makes Nacreous a problem for Shedim in particular.

Continue reading Nacreous (Celestial, 3/level) [In Nomine]