Tweet of the Day, …Hold Up A Second edition.

This is a really good point.  Not to mention, a somewhat glaring plot hole.  One you’d think that George Lucas would have tried to fix with twenty minutes of clunky dialog and heavy use of railroading… oh, wait, am I still bitter?



I suppose that you have to pay a price to karma for your victories. The cosmic balance of the universe demands that there be no highs without lows, no light without dark, no plusses without negatives. I understand this.

But oh, what a steep price can be charged…

Mass Effect 3 delayed.

Got this bit of news in email this morning about Mass Effect 3:

We have received new release date information related to your pre-ordered video game in the order you placed on March 04 2011 (Order#XXX). The release date for the video game listed below has been changed by the publisher, and we want to provide you with a new delivery estimate based on the new release date:

“Mass Effect 3”
Release date: March 31 2012
Estimated arrival date: April 03 2012

My reasonable, not at all overwrought reaction after the fold: Continue reading Mass Effect 3 delayed.