Tweet of the Day, People Who Believe In The Southern Strategy Meme Are Just DUMB edition.

Bless their hearts.

Pretty much that’s what it comes down to.  Being dumb. Note, by the way, that Reagan still won all the states there in the map below except Georgia and West Virginia. Then again, he was in a winning state of mind that election cycle, which is why he wracked up 489 Electoral Votes in 1980.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, People Who Believe In The Southern Strategy Meme Are Just DUMB edition.

Elizabeth Warren will raise taxes on the poor. #p2

OK, true, that’s just one way of looking at this fascinating exercise in clueless class warfare. 

To set the scene: below is an annotated excerpt from the ‘independent’ video that is currently causing shortness of breath (and soon probably lightness of wallet) among the contingent of the Online Left who really and truly believe that their professional politician class is avoiding full-throated, Huey Long-style, Left-populist rants for no good reason.  Well, Elizabeth Warren, new-minted sacrificial lamb Democratic candidate for MA-SEN, is there to give ’em what they want!

What do they want?  To tax the poor!
When do they want it?  Right now… wait, what?

Yeah, there’s the problem there.  This interpretation (which I first saw from Lee Stranahan) of what Warren was trying to say takes into account rhe minor detail that making our current tax system more ‘fair’ will first require us to go out and tell the 45% of American households not paying income tax that they need to start paying income tax.  Elizabeth Warren’s too afraid to do that, of course – heck, she wouldn’t even show the elementary courage needed to support Obama’s dead-on-arrival jobs bill – so I did her a favor by putting up the video.  Because, really, it’s very responsible of her to take the position that taxes need to be raised – gathered – on people making less than fifty grand a year.  Pure political suicide, but responsible. Continue reading Elizabeth Warren will raise taxes on the poor. #p2