The hopefully soon-to-be-infamous “Elbert Guillory: Send Hagan Home” ad.

Come, I will conceal nothing from you: even if this doesn’t actually work there’s still something deeply satisfying about hearing it being said. Partially because it’s all true – African-American voters are getting screwed over by the Democratic party – and partially because the liberal, mostly white, Democratic hyper-partisans are right now discovering that there’s only so much that you can do to a minority Republican politician when he or she is reasonably certain of getting the Republican vote generally.

And make no mistake: Elbert Guillory has ambitions higher than smacking white Democratic politicians right in their bloated senses of condescension and entitlement. Which is fine by me. I do so enjoy seeing a man go about the business of doing well by doing good.

Moe Lane

PS: As to the effectiveness of the ad? Beats me: but here’s a cheery thought. The basic message of that ad is not Republicans are swell! or Let me spend the next twenty minutes telling you about the arcane details of regulatory reform or even Here, have some free stuff.  It is, instead, one of the most classic of American principles:

Don’t get mad.  Get even.

The advantage of a message like that is that the aforementioned principle is very, very easy to implement in this case.  Want to send the Democrats a message?  Easy: just don’t vote for Kay Hagan.  …And that’s it.  It’s elegant.  I like elegant, particularly when it’s this… stripped of non-essentials.

Via Hot Air.

Moe Lane

Wait. Hurricane Katrina was *BAD* for the GOP, right?

Because as near as I can tell, the most lasting long-term consequence of it was that Louisiana went from being a largely Democratic state to an unquestionably Republican one.  It’s almost as if, the closer you get to New Orleans, the more disgusted that people got with the Democratic party of Louisiana…

Moe Lane Continue reading Wait. Hurricane Katrina was *BAD* for the GOP, right?