07/11/2020 Report, FERMI RESOLUTION RPG Worldbook.

Had a sudden realization today: the worldbook is supposed to come with six beginning characters, and those characters are going to require a page each, because there’s art involved. And I am trying to keep the worldbook page count to 64. Which kind of means that it’s almost all done at this point, at least for the first draft. I’ll be hacking at it more tomorrow.

07/10/2020 Report, FERMI RESOLUTION RPG worldbook: 32,263/38,400.

I was miscounting pages, so… 6K words to go, after all. The good news is, all the original stuff has had the expanded pass-through and everything else is fill-in-the-blanks. I should be able to hack it all together by Monday and get it out to the other folks having a look-see.

Not much else going on, really.

07/09/2020 Report, FERMI RESOLUTION RPG Worldbook: 31,000/37,800

I powered through both the magic and the religion sections today, because those two are related in terms of mechanics and I thought it’d be easier to just get it all done at once. Tomorrow I think I can just burn through the last three original sections left and then spend the weekend punching up the rest. The goal is to hand it off to a couple of folks I’m consulting with next week and see what they think.

After that, I can get on with the sonnets. And the adventure which I’m going to run for the session*. And after that, I’ve… run out of stuff to do? I could get back to normal? But what is normal, really? I’ve kind of forgotten by now.

Moe Lane

*No, I haven’t forgotten the books. The books start getting processed this weekend. Letter, sign, wrap, label, send out, yay!

07/08/2020 Report, FERMI RESOLUTION RPG: 30,158/37,800.

Got the original Geography part finished and added some more locations. The next two are the big ones, though: Magic and Religion. I wrote them originally before I had an actual magical system to link them to, and there’s going to have to be revisions there. Mechanically, magic and theurgy run off of the same mechanics; but the styles are completely different in this iteration.

Continue reading 07/08/2020 Report, FERMI RESOLUTION RPG: 30,158/37,800.

07/04/2020 Progress Report, FERMI RESOLUTION RPG: 28,800/37,800.

Today was half rules, half world-building. Guess which guy forgot to put it anything about armor? This guy! Dear Lord, but this is gonna need some serious playtesting — and before anybody says anything: that’s a discussion for August. I gotta get this draft finished first.

Still, things are not actually going badly. I’ve got time to work on this; the game production doesn’t have a hard deadline. In fact, after a certain point I’m going to need to wait until other people are done working on it, which means I can work on other stuff then. Marathon, not a sprint.