See, this is *useful* hate mail.

Which is to say, potentially profitable hate mail.

Don’t get me wrong: some of the other stuff that I was getting was entertaining, in its own way – but honestly, Fark has let its comments section slip, and the resulting crudities have pretty much made their trolls useless on a practical level.  If you can’t reprint it without first blacking out every other word, what’s the point of using it to benefit yourself financially? …And as for the “half hour to write” crowd; part of the fun of dealing with them is strangling the original comment and setting up the direct-to-spam function.  But the problem there is that you can’t really fundraise off of it without giving out just a morsel of engagement.  Which is what they so desperately need.

But this… this is perfect.  Short, sweet, to the point – and full of a delicious, almost-hidden resentment of the market forces that have so inexplicably put me into a position where I can pull resources out of the Internet.  It’s quite fun to see… so won’t you hit the tip jar?  I hear that John Ringo’s new urban fantasy series is quite good, and Baen Books takes PayPal.

Moe Lane

I’d fundraise off of this (NSFW Teachable Moment)…

…except I’ll be blessed if I can think of anything that I particularly want or need at the moment. Well, maybe a PS3 or xBox, but that’s not really sustainable from this kind of hate mail.

Anybody got any helpful suggestions? Maybe a good book to read? If it’s on the  Kindle, I probably can even pick it up without having to fundraise, so feel free.  The Kindle is currently fueling up a lot of my casual reading choices…

Moe Lane

PS: The aforementioned teachable moment: this is not how you fight a RedState ban. This is, in fact, the exact opposite of how you fight a RedState ban. I mention this because every nine months or so somebody shows up who seems to think that this is how you fight a RedState ban, and I’ve gotten bored with just letting them stew in direct-to-spam.