#OfA’s rather embarrassing Climate Change spluttering, in three tweets.

Well, this is embarrassing:

Not to mentioned, scrubbed:

Fortunately, the Internet is forever.

Continue reading #OfA’s rather embarrassing Climate Change spluttering, in three tweets.

Lord Dorwin lives! [UPDATED]

Look him up.

Anyway, in response to this:

…and this…


…I give you this (parody): Continue reading Lord Dorwin lives! [UPDATED]

QotD, Maybe The Farmers Are RIGHT, #Slate edition.

You just can’t make stuff like this up:

The long-term prediction for the Corn Belt in Iowa says that the weather will get hotter and drier—much like western Kansas is currently. Yet, over the decades of [Iowa corn farmer and Farm Bureau economist Dave] Miller’s farming career, conditions have been increasingly wet. “If I had done what climate alarmists had said to do, I would have done exactly the wrong thing for 20 of the last 25 years,” Miller says.

…bolding on, and hold on.  For the benefit of the author of the Slate piece, who apparently missed this article: that was Miller telling you that if he had listened to the global warming enthusiasts he’d have long since gone belly-up. Continue reading QotD, Maybe The Farmers Are RIGHT, #Slate edition.

Barack “Crazy Eddie”* Obama to announce plans to flip Senate in 2014.

No, that’s not a typo.

Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants as part of climate strategy

President Obama will announce Tuesday in a speech at Georgetown University that he plans to regulate greenhouse-gas emissions from existing power plants, according to individuals who have been briefed on the plan but asked not to be identified.

Because, of course, all of those Democratic Senators drowning up for election in Republican states don’t have enough to worry about. Nope! Barry wants to throw them another anchor, bless his heart.  You know, it’s funny: the way things are going, I can totally see George W Bush being asked to campaign for candidates in 2016.

…Will Barack Obama? Continue reading Barack “Crazy Eddie”* Obama to announce plans to flip Senate in 2014.

“Global Warming” or “Climate Change” or whatever the term is this week…

…notice how they have to keep changing the name, by the way? Modern demonology is a very, very fast-paced field indeed. – Anyway, a new poll suggests that global concerns about global warming are fading:

Public concern about environmental issues including climate change has slumped to a 20-year low since the financial crisis, a global study reveals.

Fewer people now consider issues such as CO2 emissions, air and water pollution, animal species loss, and water shortages to be “very serious” than at any time in the last two decades, according to the poll of 22,812 people in 22 countries including Britain and the US.

Continue reading “Global Warming” or “Climate Change” or whatever the term is this week…

Heat + Wet + CO2 = MORE LIFE. :sotto voice: *Idiots*.

The problem with our Greenie religious fanatics is – well, they have several, really. But one of their major problems is that they’ve never quite twigged to the realization that there’s an entire industry dedicated to scaring the money out of them. Which is pretty much the entire global warming / climate change / Mother Earth Goddess Rages business, right there. Couple that with an inability to do higher math* and to realize that there was actual history before 1950** and you get people profitably panicking that we’re one burning coal pile away from Venus.

Fortunately, there’s objective reality. Continue reading Heat + Wet + CO2 = MORE LIFE. :sotto voice: *Idiots*.

Scientists TORTURE GRASSHOPPERS, SPIDERS for SCIENCE! Well… global warming.

You know, I understand AoSHQ’s point that a recent study about grasshoppers and diet and what not is really about global warming: I do.  But I keep getting hung up on this:

They placed cages in areas of natural vegetation and allowed some grasshoppers to be alone while others were placed in cages with a spider.

They glued the mouths of the spiders shut in order to make sure that the grasshoppers experienced pure fear, but were not actually killed by the predators.

…and thinking, Damn, but scientists can be d*cks sometimes.  I know that science ain’t always pretty, but wow.  Does PETA know about this one?

Moe Lane

#rsrh See, this is why you leave the libertarians out of it.

“It” being defined as “your fundraising crusade to get more Big Green cash*.”  See, libertarian groups can get cranky – as in, irritable – when you drag them into your little games.  In fact, dragging them into said games can be roughly equivalent to going up and kicking awake a sleeping black bear.  Sure, you can survive the experience – but is it really an optimal way to spend your time?

Via Instapundit.

Moe Lane

*Short version: The Union of Concerned Scientists declared that General Electric’s support of the Reason Foundation made GE a hypocrite on global warming policy.  Reason, somewhat surprised to hear that GE was apparently one of their supporters, checked and discovered that the UCS was equating roughly five hundred dollars in matching funds to Reason to roughly five hundred thousand dollars in matching funds and corporate donations to Big Green groups.  Reason then proceeds to directly rake the UCS over the coals for this.  UCS changes their report, but weakly mutters about how Reason is against the anti-scientific consensus.  Reason sweetly asks whether this means that the UCS is about to change its stated position on biotech crops.  I don’t know how the UCS reacted to that, but I’d have paid ten bucks to see the looks on their faces.

#rsrh James Lovelock: I was an alarmist hack on global warming!

I’m translating, taking into account that famous British reserve – and lest you think that the ‘hack’ part is unfair description of James Lovelock, creator of the Gaia hypothesis, let me reproduce some of his previous comments:

…as the century progresses, the temperature will rise 8 degrees centigrade in temperate regions and 5 degrees in the tropics.

Much of the tropical land mass will become scrub and desert, and will no longer serve for regulation; this adds to the 40 per cent of the Earth’s surface we have depleted to feed ourselves.

Curiously, aerosol pollution of the northern hemisphere reduces global warming by reflecting sunlight back to space. This “global dimming” is transient and could disappear in a few days like the smoke that it is, leaving us fully exposed to the heat of the global greenhouse. We are in a fool’s climate, accidentally kept cool by smoke, and before this century is over billions of us will die and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the Arctic where the climate remains tolerable.

That was in 2006. Also in 2006, Lovelock wrote “Revenge of Gaia: Why the Earth Is Fighting Back – and How We Can Still Save Humanity;” and in 2010 he wrote “The Vanishing Face of Gaia: A Final Warning: Enjoy It While You Can.”  And he’s writing a book now!  Title unknown, so let me offer a suggestion:


Continue reading #rsrh James Lovelock: I was an alarmist hack on global warming!

Robert Murphy on Peter Gleick’s faked Heartland memo: “oozing absurdities.”

I am deeply envious of that phrase.

I rather badly want to have been the person who first came up with that phrase, in fact.  I feel that I need to get this on the record.

Anyway, if you were looking for a recap on the entire didn’t-turn-out-as-intended climate alarmist attack on the Heartland Institute by – well, I suppose that it has not been proven in a court of law that Peter Gleick was responsible for the forged memo, so we’ll go with “person or persons unknown who could conceivably have the initials ‘P.G.'” and be done with it.  Anyway, this is a pretty good recap: it describes the initial ‘data’ dump, identifies the central trouble with it (essentially, the central document is a farrago of nonsense and lies, and absent it the ‘supporting’ documents are thoroughly innocuous), notes the ghoulish zeal with which alarmist blogs treated the original ‘revelation’… and ruthlessly spotlights the petulant refusal of most of said alarmists to admit that the whole thing exploded in their face. Continue reading Robert Murphy on Peter Gleick’s faked Heartland memo: “oozing absurdities.”