#rsrh QotD, I have a better suggestion, NADA.

Short version: the National Automobile Dealers’ Association (NADA) estimated that the new rules for car emissions will end up causing about seven million potential car buyers (read: the poorest ones) to not be able to actually afford buying another car. While this might be the actual goal for Team Obama, Doug Greenhaus (“chief regulatory counsel for environment, health, and safety for NADA”) pointed out that the purpose of said rules was ostensibly to save car owners money, not force them to accept lower socioeconomic levels because they can’t afford transportation. Anyway, the NADA raises this hope:

…Grenhaus and NADA suggest the Obama Administration and NHTSA study the impact the rules will have on buyers before moving forward.

I have a better suggestion, myself. Fire Obama in November, and have it made clear to NHTSA that they’ll join him in the private sector if they don’t stop mucking about like this. It’s amazing what firing a few bureaucrats can do towards making the rest of them suddenly take a more conciliatory attitude towards the rest of us.

Moe Lane