In which *many* books taunt me.

So, here’s the situation. There’s a book I want to write. Alternative history, pulp detective, set in a world where the USA bought Kamchatka at the same time we got Alaska. I’ve mentioned this before, I’m sure. Anyway: in order to write said book, I need to know a good bit about the major Japanese secret societies operating during the first half of the twentieth century, because they’ll factor into it heavily. But I would need something better than Wikipedia for my research in this one. It just feels proper.

On my wish list currently you will see this: Japanism, Pan-Asianism and Terrorism: A Short History of the Amur Society (The Black Dragons)1901-1945. It is undoubtedly a steal at one hundred and seventy-eight dollars (and NINE CENTS!)… if you’re buying it for a class. As the only general work I can track down that covers the topic? Ehh, not so much.

Continue reading In which *many* books taunt me.

Looks like school’s open tomorrow!

I’ve had at least one of them home all day for a week. Between the trip, the vomiting, the holiday, the enforced day off, and the let’s-close-the-school-because-of-the-roads it’s been, ah, somewhat fraught.  But tomorrow they go back. For the whole day.  I could maybe write some more things.  I’ve got an idea for one that might fly with the revived Amazing Stories magazine. I just need some quiet time to work on it.

Ah, the wonders of vacations. At least, when you have kids.  And they’re good kids, too!