Karen Harrington (R CAND, FL-23) invites Paul Ryan to campaign in her district.

I happened to be on a conference call with FL-23 candidate Karen Harrington, who of course is the person facing DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz in the general election.  So it’s going to be a tough race; after all, if there’s any seat that the Democrats would be personally embarrassed to lose, it’d be this one.  But when I asked directly whether Karen Harrington would welcome Paul Ryan campaigning for her in the district, she replied:

Absolutely… it would be a honor to have someone of Paul Ryan’s stature. Absolutely: not just because he’s the Vice President [nominee]; if he didn’t accept that role, and it was just Congressman Paul Ryan I would welcome him.

I bring this up because a number of people started this week by suggesting that adding Paul Ryan to the ticket would hurt the GOP downticket, particularly in states like Florida.  While that argument seems to have largely died off – mostly of embarrassment, apparently – I would be remiss in my duties if I didn’t point out that Republican candidates and politicians don’t seem to be particularly nervous about the Ryan pick.  In fact, the default emotion that I’ve been detecting seems to be reliefContinue reading Karen Harrington (R CAND, FL-23) invites Paul Ryan to campaign in her district.

Paul Ryan’s prepared remarks.

[UPDATE] I just got sent this.

If you missed the speech, that was a shame: nice balance of positive sentiments, and fully-deserved scorn for this current, quite feckless and incompetent administration. I’ll put up the video itself when it’s available; the text of it is below the fold, and is from here. One thing that won’t come through is that Ryan knows how to react to a crowd; couple that with his legendary command of budgetary issues, and you end up with a pretty darn good VP pick, there. In fact, to expand on a thought that I had on Twitter earlier, this pick puts the Democrats in a bit of a situation. They typically prefer to run on a campaign where their opponents are Evil and Dumb, but this simply won’t work this time; it will, in fact, get them laughed off of the stage. So it’s going to just be all Evil, all the time… and that won’t make happy the Obama voters who genuinely thought that they were voting for a nice guy in 2009.

Game on.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Continue reading Paul Ryan’s prepared remarks.